You are probably familiar with the Adopt-a-Highway program, where volunteers commit to picking up trash along a stretch of highway twice a year.

That same concept is now being applied to storm drains, which carry rain and runoff water along with leaves, gravel, garbage and other debris directly to rivers and lakes.  The Waseca Lakes Association is excited to have partnered with the City of Waseca to bring the Adopt-a-Drain program to Waseca!  

Adopt-a-Drain asks residents to volunteer 10-15 minutes, twice a month, to adopt a storm drain in their neighborhood and keep it clear of leaves, trash, and other debris to reduce water pollution.  

You can adopt your drain by going to  


  • Go to
  • Create an account.
  • Type in your home address.
  • Select a drain to adopt.
  • Give the drain a nickname.
  • Record the type of debris you remove, how much you collected and approximately how long it took you to complete the task.
  • Separate and properly dispose of the waste.
  • Tell friends and neighbors about the program!